Imagine a consumer entering a big shop where there are no sales assistants. The only possibility to contact staff is to phone him or to send an e-mail. This is how the customers feel in online services where there is no chat service.
Today consumers of Y generation are always online, they are very demanding and they draw a particular attention to the way in which products are beind sold and delivered.
In response to growing demands of customers companies have found an interactive solution which enable an immediate communication with a company by means of Live Chat.
Research ‘Live Chat Effectiveness’ shows that the users who benefit from chat usually may boast about higher income in settlement for household, they do the shopping more often, possess higher education and they are at the age between 31-50. They very quickly become a strong proponents of this way of communicating with a company.
This demographic group is very attractive to sellers and their needs should not be ignore by marketing and sales departments.
The same research shows that in Great Britain as much as 75% of buyers has some experience with chat on a website. This is a sufficient reason why this channel used to reach the potential customer should be treated seriously.
Reasons for choosing Chat as a communication channel according
to respondents:
- immediate answer for asked questions
- possibility of performing other operations at the same time
- it is the most effective way of communication
- possibility to receive more precise information than via e-mail or phone
- I do not like talking on the phone
- I control the course of conversation
- because I can do it at work
Having used chat, 2/3 of respondents actively search for chats on websites which they visit.
Reactive Chat
Initiated by an user
Imagine a consumer entering a big shop and at each department there is a staff willing to help. Suffice to ask a question to receive an instant and reliable answer.
This is how passive chat works, also called reactive chat.
Reactive time works great as a source of information about a product by building customer’s loyalty towards the brand. Conversation via chat is much more quicker than gathering information by means of phone or e-mail. It works great for technical questions as transcript of conversation can be sent to customer’s e-mail. By using this way of communication you can reduce the necessary number of people employed in customer service department even by 1/3! Consultant serving chat is able to lead a few conversations at the same time instead of only one as it is in the case of traditional customer service.
In the case of a proper planning of communication reactive chat can be used to:
- current customer service (account service)
- gathering applications from customer (complaints, repair services etc.)
- finding necessary information on a website
- collecting orders
- providing information concerning the process of process of performing an order
- counselling with making orders
According to the survey carried out by Harris Interactive and IMShopping 77% of respondents would be interested in receiving some help from a real consultant in purchasing online. Get more information.
Active Chat
We are talking about active chat when a conversation is initiated by an agent or when it is started automatically by means of automated rules that catches lack of customer’s decision.
For instance, a conversation can be initiated if the user spends a lot of time on a product website, reading description of a particular service. Another example: a conversation is initiated at the moment when a customer who has already put some products into his basket is looking through the proposals of additional accessories. Such attitude will enable us to use the possibility of up-selling and to increase an average value of shopping basket.
Research show that the customers who keep the conversation initiated pro-actively usually buy 6 times more often than an ordinary page user on average. Moreover, 44% of consumers admit that the answers received for questions that bother them during the purchase process is one of the most important functionality that a website can provide.
Choosing a proper moment for initiation of chat conversation is not an easy task. During leading a campaign we are taking into consideration, among other things, the whole time that a user spends on a website and on a particular subpage, the amount of displayed pages, the history of visited ones, a complexity level of a particular subpage and their place in the purchase process.
One of the things that are appreciated most by customers in this way of communication is the sense of control. It depends on a customer whether he will accept or reject an invitation to the conversation and also it is a customer that controls the pace and the course of such. We do our best to make your customers’ experience pleasant and to fully satisfied them.
A proof for this may be an automatic customer satisfaction survey carried out after a conversation with the agent.
By using active chat:
1.The proportion of people making purchase on a website will increase
2.The proportion of people putting a product into a basket but then giving up a purchase will decrease
3.An average value of customer’s basket will increase
4.Customer’s experience connected with a company will improve
5.Level of customers’ loyalty will increase
There is a possibility of integration of Live Chat System with a current CRM system.
Click if you want to know more about the possibility how to make use of chat in your company.